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par George B. Schaller

The Serengeti Lion: A Study of Predator-Prey Relations

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Titre : The Serengeti Lion: A Study of Predator-Prey Relations

Auteur : George B. Schaller

Format : PDF,ePub,eBook

“Classic - un livre que les gens louent et ne lisent pas.” - Mark Twain

Examen de l'ebook The Serengeti Lion: A Study of Predator-Prey Relations

Lion — Wikipédia ~ Le lion est le deuxième plus grand félidé après le tigre et ainsi le plus grand carnivore dAfrique Un mâle mesure de 172 à 250 centimètres de long 2 du bout du museau à la base de la queue et possède une queue d’en moyenne 90 centimètres 3

Nemean lion Wikipedia ~ The first of Heracles twelve labours set by King Eurystheus his cousin was to slay the Nemean lion Heracles wandered the area until he came to the town of Cleonae

Lion Wikipedia ~ In the 19th and 20th centuries several lion type specimens were described and proposed as subspecies with about a dozen recognised as valid taxa until 2017 Between 2008 and 2016 IUCN Red List assessors used only two subspecific names P l leo for African lion populations and P l persica for the Asiatic lion population

Lion Simple English Wikipedia the free encyclopedia ~ The lion Panthera leo is a large mammal of the Felidae cat family Some large males weigh over 250 kg 550 lb Today wild lions live in subSaharan Africa and in Asia Lions are adapted for life in grasslands and mixed areas with trees and grass

Lev – Wikipedie ~ Historický areál V období pleistocénu byli lvi hojně rozšířeni na všech kontinentech včetně Ameriky K velkým změnám došlo koncem poslední doby ledové kolem roku 10 000 př n l Lvi v této době vymizeli z Ameriky a velkých části Evropy i Asie

شیر گربه‌سان ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد ~ فردوسی امیر است شیری که دارد سپاه ز خرگوش و روباه و گرگ و شغال — ناصرخسرو خوی نیکو تو را چو شیر کند خوی بد، عالم از تو سیر کند — سنایی نشان شیر و خورشید همچنین از معروف‌ترین نمادهای ایرانی است

Hyène tachetée — Wikipédia ~ Crocuta crocuta Crocuta crocuta Hyène tachetée parc national d Etosha Classification Règne Animalia Embranchement Chordata Sousembr Vertebrata Classe Mammalia Sousclasse Theria Ordre Carnivora Sousordre Feliformia Famille Hyaenidae Sousfamille Hyaeninae Genre Crocuta Nom binominal Crocuta crocuta Erxleben 1777 Répartition

Løve Wikipedia den frie encyklopædi ~ Løven latin Panthera leo er en af de fem store katte i slægten Panthera og et medlem af kattefamilien Det er den næststørste nulevende katteart efter tigeren hvor nogle hanner kan veje over 250 kg Der findes vilde løver i det subsahariske Afrika og i Asien hvor en truet bestand lever i Gir Forest National Park I Indien

Panthera leo Wikipedia ~ Il leone Panthera leo Linnaeus 1758 è un mammifero carnivoro della famiglia dei felidi Dopo la tigre è il più grande dei cinque grandi felidi del genere Panthera con alcuni maschi la cui massa corporea supera i 250 kg Il suo areale è nel 2011 ridotto quasi esclusivamente allAfrica subsahariana il continuo impoverimento del suo

Leão – Wikipédia a enciclopédia livre ~ O leão feminino leoa nome científico Panthera leo é uma espécie de mamífero carnívoro do gênero Panthera e da família Felidae A espécie é atualmente encontrada na África subsaariana e na Ásia com uma única população remanescente em perigo no Parque Nacional da Floresta de Gir Gujarat Índia

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